You have got to study your butt off. There is no doubt about that, probably since before even starting school.…
It’s a little bit click bait, but we truly do believe this is the single most important piece of advice…
Your going to find this same basic advice on pretty much every site. This is pretty well the standard approach,…
Table based questions are such a pain! The amount of information laid out can be a little dizzying and quickly…
When we discussed hypoxia vs hypoxemia last week, we briefly mentioned ischemia. That word is probably worth taking an extra…
There are some words and phrases that get thrown around a lot in med school, that we all think we…
We’ve been taking on the hypersensitivities one at a time. Today, we wrap up with number IV! Which it sort…
Type III hypersensitivity is where I started to lose track of how to keep them separate. I is allergies and…
Continuing our conversation on hypersensitivities, we’re moving on to number II today! Do you say number II when you do…
Last week, we did sort of a brief overview of the hypersensitivities and their types. This week, we’re going to…