Your going to find this same basic advice on pretty much every site. This is pretty well the standard approach,…
Table based questions are such a pain! The amount of information laid out can be a little dizzying and quickly…
It seems like I am getting a lot of questions on studying and study habits lately. Currently, the trend is…
Holy crap – we’re in the Caribbean! It’s amazing being here – both the weather and the scenery is beautiful!…
We all know that attending med school has plenty of stressors attached to it. Getting enough studying in, keeping everything…
“If you can’t explain it to a 5 year old, you don’t really understand it.” – Mark Twain, Albert Einstein,…
When you’re going to med school, you want to make sure you’re well prepared. When you that med school is…
The selection committee at the school you’re dreaming of is down to one spot left. They are trying to decide…
The most precious thing that you have in med school is time. There is a tremendous amount of material to…
The only way to do really do well on the interview is by practicing beforehand. And we do mean practice.…